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Your generous donation will enable us to reach many more Jewish people around the world! As a thank you for your support, your gift Israel Glorious Future is on its way!
Chosen People Ministries consists of Jewish people who have found peace with God through Yeshua the Messiah, and Gentiles who have a heart to reach the lost sheep of the house of Israel with the good news of Jesus. We exist to pray for, evangelize, disciple, and serve Jewish people everywhere, and to equip fellow believers to do the same, and we have been faithful to this purpose for one hundred twenty-five years! That is why you were asked to share your book with a Jewish friend—it is why we exist.
We hope our faith in Jesus does not surprise you, but rather makes you curious. As Jewish people, most of us grew up without considering whether or not Jesus is the Messiah expected by our people for millennia. Then something happened that changed each of our lives and caused us to rethink the usual Jewish views about Jesus. Often, it was seeing the prophecies in the Old Testament, and more often than not, the text of Isaiah 53, that caused us to become followers of Yeshua, the Hebrew name for Jesus.
In fact, most of our Jewish people do not realize that Jesus was born a Jew, the first believers of Jesus were all Jews, and the first Messianic communities were all Jewish! Messianic Jews observe the Jewish holidays and support the state of Israel. We are Jews in every way and yet believe that the Messiah has come and His name is Yeshua.
I say this because it is important to realize that if you were born Jewish, you are always Jewish, period! Believing in Jesus does not change this but rather, fulfills all we ever hoped for as Jewish men and women!
You are invited to learn more about who we are at We have additional resources for you to continue to develop your relationship with Messiah, and resources and opportunities to share your faith with Jewish people everywhere.